Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Third-Wave Feminism Is Stupid

Before I start, let me say that I respect women, and I prefer the company of women to the company of men. Most women are sensitive, intuitive, understanding, and focused, while most men are ignorant, uncompromising, and prideful. There's nothing wrong with masculine traits and there's nothing wrong with feminine traits, it's just biology. Men have testosterone and women have estrogen. We're chemically different.

Back in the early days of humanity, women were treated as sex objects, and men were warriors, hunters, gatherers, and diplomats. Women weren't allowed to be priests when religion was created, and women weren't societal leaders when the first civilizations were created. Women were relegated to positions that men did not desire, such as care of children and homes. Then, as society became more civilized, women took on some of the roles of men.

First-wave feminism was vital for women to gain equal rights in many areas, especially in politics. In World War II, women took over industry while men went out to war. My great-grandmother was a WAC during most of the war while her brothers fought in Europe and Africa, and one even survived D-Day. Then, second-wave feminism did even more in the areas that first-wave feminism and covered other important areas like reproduction, sexuality, equality in the workplace and in society. However, in the early-80's, feminists experienced in-fighting and split in two; one side believed that second-wave feminism somehow contributed to a "patriarchy," and the other side, well, was rational.

Third-wave feminism addresses many of the same issues that first-wave feminism and second-wave feminism addressed, but makes them sound much more prevalent in society than they actually are. Rape is a touchy topic in our modern world today. Like many of you know, rape is a sexual action forced upon someone that doesn't want to participate in the sexual action. Rape has always a subject of feminism, and, sickeningly, rape has only been seen as wrong by mainstream society in the last 200 years. A major reason that rape was prevalent in the past is religion, since the old testament basically says that men can't be punished for raping a woman.

Yes, rape is bad. Sexual assault is bad. I know rape victims, and the experience is traumatizing and lasts forever if left unchecked. I only know one male victim of rape, and perhaps I know more than one, but men are less inclined to tell people about being raped than women. My friend was once an extremely happy and positive person, but now he's nervous all of the time and he is often scared of new people, and he had help afterwards. To focus on the plights of one gender when the problem of rape affects all genders is sick.

Feminism is about equal rights, not special treatment. However, many feminists today want special treatment and give rape a new definition that is problematic, to use feminist vocabulary. Third-wave feminists have combined with the overly-politically correct authoritarians of blog sites such as tumblr to create this new definition of rape: an action that makes a woman uncomfortable. In fact, it doesn't even have to be an action, it can be a statement or even a look. Here's the problem with that definition: men are inherently horny.

I know, it's crazy to think that men want to have sex. Men are biologically wired to be more aroused than women in everyday life. While a woman can have a conversation with a man without feeling sexual arousal, a man can release testosterone after a simple glance. However, when a man "falls in love," his testosterone level goes down, while a woman's testosterone levels increase (yes, women have small levels of testosterone, and men have small levels of estrogen) when "in love." A woman can't understand the libido of a man, but they can experience it when they find a life partner.

So when a guy looks at you on the bus, he's probably not having a rape fantasy, he's just attracted to you. It has nothing to do with what you wear, it is just the fact that he's a man. So you can see why an advertiser might exploit man's weakness to look at a pair of breasts. You're selling some nauseating body spray? Slap some tits on it.

It seems like the focus of prominent internet feminists like Anita Sarkeesian are the perceived sexism of advertisements and media. Anita, in particular, has begun a crusade against the "misogyny" of video games. She argues that female video game characters are overly-sexualized, marginalized, and aren't given personality. But if I were a game developer, I would include sexual imagery in an adult game if it meant that more games were sold. In most video game franchises, the male characters are of an attractive build, same with the female characters. Simply put: sex sells.

Yes, there are some more outlandish things that third-wave feminists say, but they are so ridiculous that they don't even need to be debunked. The problem with this particular movement, however, is that the third-wave feminists are primarily composed of bratty, selfish, entitled, white teenage girls, selfish, entitled, single women in their 30's, and guys who want to get laid. The previous two waves of feminism were composed of strong, independent women who, in the face of unparalleled adversity, completely changed society.

So while I can't say I'm not a feminist, in the sense that I am for gender equality, I can definitively say that third-wave feminism is stupid. I'd also like to give a short message to the "feminists" of the western world before I end this blog: you're fighting the wrong enemy. The chiefest opposition to gender equality is not corporations, media, and the like, it is religion. Religion in the middle-east has led to many women being killed or tortured for expressing themselves in any way, shape, or form. Misogyny exists, but you're too blind to see it.

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